Search engine optimisation, more commonly known as SEO, is a marketing strategy about making it easy for search engines such as Google to discover your website. SEO incorporates methods that help search engines find the information you have published on your website.
Given the technical nature of the Law, the layperson will commonly conduct a Google search for aspects of the Law they do not fully understand. This is why SEO optimisation is so valuable in the space.
Why Does SEO Work So Well?
SEO works so well in the legal industry because it capitalises on how extensive the Law is. Accordingly, there are many questions clients can ask about a particular field of the Law, and then more specifically, a specific category of that field.
For instance, if we consider the field of Family Law and then focus on the category of divorce, clients ask a significant number of questions regarding the category and even the same query in a different number of ways. In the world of SEO, because there are so many different combinations of words and questions in Law, the field’s opportunity is endless, and the competition will be low for some phrases.
Here are some examples:
Different types of questions related to divorce:
- When do I stop paying child support?
- What am I entitled to in a divorce?
- How long does it take to get a divorce?
The same question, but asked differently:
- How do I file for a divorce?
- How to apply for divorce?
- How do I get divorced?
It is simply not possible for every key phrase to be targeted by competitor law firms – and here lies the opportunity.
How Can Law Firms Execute SEO Effectively?
Law firms can execute this strategy effectively by using blog articles on their business web page, set up as quick guides on frequently asked questions. Law firms may also incorporate SEO throughout their webpage in general.
If these blog articles are optimised with SEO, they will rank on Google and serve as passive marketing for potentially up to years. This is a significant advantage with utilising SEO in the legal landscape, as frequently asked questions do not change too often. Accordingly, once your firm’s website has many articles that cover a wide range of topics and keywords you have targeted, efforts may be slowed down.
How Do I Start Incorporating SEO In My Marketing Efforts?
Step One – Compile a list of Keywords or Key Phrases.
If you want to take the free route, you can go on Google trends and search up some keywords and phrases yourself and compile a list according to the most commonly searched. Alternatively, if you are willing to splash a little cash, you can either hire an external marketing consultant to conduct the research for you as a one-off or even do it yourself through the use of paid SEO tools such as SEMrush.
Step Two – Educate yourself on SEO
SEO is not complex but does contain several items you should be aware of. The most important of these is keyword research, which is covered in this article. However, there are some other things you should be mindful of, including:
- Understanding your online customers
- Backlinking strategies
- The use of meta description
Step Three – Start publishing content
Whether you wish to utilise SEO to update your website pages or write blog articles, you must remain consistent.
It is important to remember that your efforts will take at least a few months to start picking up traction, so do not be discouraged if you do not get any results immediately.
Importance of Seeking Legal Advice
If you require any legal advice, please feel free to contact us.
Here at JB Solicitors, we’ll make the process as pain-free as possible. We have fixed-fee pricing for family law, giving you a clear sense of the costs from the start, and we will be sure to help you out every step of the way. With years of experience under our belt, we pride ourselves on making each client’s family law experience as positive as possible.
Contact JB Solicitors today to speak with one of our friendly and experienced family lawyers.
More Articles
If you have any more questions regarding law matters, you should head over to our blog section for more informative articles on a wide range of family law topics.
Alternatively, here are some of our newest articles linked below:
What You Need To Know About Child Custody Arrangements
My Former Partner Is Not Complying With Family Court Orders
What You Need To Know About Custody Rights For Mothers
Everything You Need To Know About An Application For Divorce
What Does Equal Shared Parental Responsibility Mean For You?
Our YouTube
For more informative family law content, please check out our YouTube page. Alternatively, here are some educational videos linked below which are on matters that you may find interesting and helpful
How To Stop Your Spouse From Selling Your Property After A Divorce
Factors to Consider Before Ending Your Relationship
Want to Legally Change Your Child’s Last Name? Here’s What You Need To Know